Pg Gundam Exia Led Unit
Pg Gundam Exia Led Unit
Official Bandai Gundam
The PG Gundam Exia LED Unit is a great addition to your Perfect Grade Gundam Exia model. This LED accessory kit is designed to enhance the experience by adding impressive light and sound effects to your model. With various LED lights and sound effects, this set brings impressive realism and life to your Exia model. It enables illuminated sensors, weapon and cockpit lighting effects, and sounds that add an extra dimension of authenticity to your building experience. The PG Gundam Exia LED Unit is an ideal choice for collectors and enthusiasts who want to take their Gundam model to the next level with impressive light and sound effects.
EXPECTED DELIVERY DATE TBA 2024 - We expect it to arrive Q3 2024. But we don't have a confirmed date yet. So when pre-ordering, be prepared for a longer delivery time
(ON DEMAND) - What does this mean for you as a customer? You can read that right here
ON DEMAND product. Delivery time approximately 1-3 weeks